TRÜ is part of a company that originates from a business model focused on the well-being and development of small communities in rural Ecuador. This is why:

Alimentos sostenibles en empresa B en Quito
Generación Trü es tapa hecha con caña de azúcar

We support over 6,000 small and medium-sized producers

We have implemented more than 70 community collection centers across the country

We empower each producer to take on the role of an entrepreneur with autonomy to manage their business

We facilitate the granting of financing and development loans

We provide training and technical assistance to producers on their farms

100% of milk purchases are domestic

Productores lácteos y equidad de género en Ecuador

We recognize the decisive and important role that women play in all areas, including rural communities. Here, they play a fundamental role in rural development, food security, and the eradication of poverty. This is why:

We have six collection centers exclusively managed by women.

Nearly 60% of all the producers we support are women.


We are part of a company that is a pioneer in Ecuador in implementing a Climate-Smart Livestock Farming project in collaboration with the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization). Under this project, we focus on:

Energía renovable con conciencia ambiental en Ecuador
Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y energía sostenible en Ecuador
Acuerdo de energía renovable en Machachi
Generación Trü con seguridad alimentaria en Ecuador
Empresa B sostenibilidad mundia en Ecuador

We prioritize reducing the environmental impact of our operations. That is why we have implemented solar panels at our plant, making us the first dairy plant in Ecuador to have this technology. In this way, we are preventing more than 70,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent to protecting more than 41 hectares (101.16 acres) of forest each year.

Additionally, we have signed a Sustainable Energy Agreement with the United Nations Global Compact with the following objectives:

Establish parameters for measuring and evaluating energy-saving and energy-efficient actions.

Support knowledge transfer, exchange of best practices, and the development of value proposals for public policy.

Pave the way nationally in compliance with and the promotion of sustainable energy principles.


We believe that change begins with oneself, which is why we offer all our TRÜ products in packaging that is more environmentally friendly:

FSC Certified: the cardboard used for our packaging comes from responsible forest management.

Over 77% is made from materials that come from renewable sources such as cardboard and sugar cane.

Ganadería climáticamente inteligente en EcuadorComercio justo y conciencia ambiental en Machachi
Ganadería climáticamente inteligente en Machachi
Seguridad alimentaria en ganadería climáticamente inteligente en Machachi
What does that mean?
B Corporation or B Corp, is a global sustainability certification awarded to companies that undergo an extensive assessment of their processes and meet various sustainability indicators within them. Furthermore, certified companies place their socio-environmental purpose at the core of their business model and measure their success, not only through financial indices but also through the social and environmental impact generated.

Check out the Sustainability Report of El Ordeño Here.

We were born from the first dairy company in the country with B Corp Certification! Committing ourselves to generating a long-term positive impact on the community and the environment.

We work every day to promote responsible consumption through sustainable foods and seek to promote a conscious lifestyle that aims to generate a positive impact on others and the environment. We know you are part of this generation and seeking the same principles, so we invite you to be part of TRÜ: The new generation of sustainable foods.
What do you say? Will you join us?